Saturday, July 19, 2008

My hilarious brother and his causes!!!

Ok. So my brother is so funny. He is a youth minister and is always doing fund raisers and different things to help out the community. His newest thing is trying to raise money to purchase backpacks and supplies for kids that can't afford it. He created this hilarious video to play at his church to try and raise money for the cause. It is the funniest thing. So, if you want to watch my brother and nephews in their goofy video here is the link. I suggest you watch it. My brother is such a dork.

Click on this link and go to his Backpack Promotional Video


Alison said...

That is so ADORABLE!! I'm tempted to buy a backpack just because the boys are so cute!

JB said...

That is awesome. And Allison, If you want to buy a backpack I'm sure we could work that out.

Jen said...

You forgot about my frame! How come nobody is mentioning how cute I was?

Sherry Turner said...

I apparently don't support some kind of software that it needs, so I am going to have to come over and watch it. However, I am tempted to buy a backpack and I haven't even seen the video yet. I am such a sucker for the needy!