Monday, August 11, 2008

Fun Questionnaire About My Hubby!

What is his name? James Everett Burgess

How long have you been married? 8 years & 3 months

How long did you date? only 1 year

How old is he? 28

Who eats more sweets? Hmmm... That's a close one, but I have to lean toward James

Who said I love you first? Me

Who is taller? James

Who can sing better? James by far. Have you ever heard me sing. Yuck!

Who is smarter? It depends on what kind of smarts you are referring to. He is smarter at real life things and I am more book smart. ( aka nerdy)

Who does the laundry? Yeah. That would be me, but it's because I have more time than he does.

Who pays the bills? James does. I guess he doesn't trust my math skills. Did anyone tell him I was a math major?

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're looking at the bed - I do. Any side I sleep on is the right side. The other side is just wrong.

Who mows the lawn? Hmmmm.... well James usually does, but I have done it more than him this year. I told him I didn't wanna do it anymore so he is gonna do it from here on out.

Who cooks dinner? That would be me. Unless I am not feeling great then James will make my soup for me, but he will complain while doing it.
Who drives?James does. I like to nap in the car. I am usually asleep if the ride is 20 minutes or longer.

Who is more stubborn? That is an impossible question because we are both impossible. However, this trophy probably goes more to me. SUCK!

Who kissed who first? James tried to kiss me once and I told him no. OOPS. Then he tried again a little later and I let him kiss me.

Who asked who out first? We never really went out. We were friends and then we just started making out. Romantic I know!

Who proposed? He did. Took me to the Melting Pot for my birthday and then took me to a mountain called the Pointe. You can see the entire city of phoenix from there. We walked to the top and were the only people up there (it was restricted). He proposed up there. I thought he was joking at first, but quickly learned that he was serious. Leave it to me to ruin another nice moment.

Who has more siblings? I do. i have 1 brother, 2 half-brothers, 1 step-sister, and 1 step-brother.
He only has 1 brother and 1 sister. I totally kicked his butt on this question.

Who wears the pants? James. Hello - He is the one in retail. Any pants I wear he picked out.


Jen said...

I love these! I may steal it!

Jay R said...

so cute! :-) made me and jason laugh...

Jay R said...

(haha... i guess i was signed into jason's account)

Anonymous said...

These are funny. Got to know a little more about you and James without even asking. The proposal was cool. Mine was lame.

Alison said...

So funny! I alway love finding out stuff about my friend...I guess I'm just nosy that way. And I'm TOTALLY with you on the car rides - I'm asleep in no time!

JB said...

actually, i think we are tied for the lawn mowing by now. i think the times i have to go over the yard twice should count.